Some time ago, I got to meet Hanzi Freinacht, the brilliant mind behind the book THE LISTENING SOCIETY published by METAMODERNA - which brought me into contact with Metamodernism (and thus Metamodernity) which is closely related to the transmodern paradigm that has been so central to my work in the past years.
It's refreshing and exciting - as it somehow feels like an extension of TM, even more zeitgeist-y in content and tone, at least in the way Hanzi lays it out.
Something unparalled is emerging.
Together with EMERGE, we co-created the Metamodern Arts Festival which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, 27-29 September 2019. It was a 3-day mythic journey of personal and cultural development, where we collectively cultivated the mind, body and spirit through immersive art installations, performances, and therapeutic workshops - through which we explored metamodern philosophy.